This month we’re continuing our exciting new online series in order to help you get to know our team of brokers! By hearing stories from our brokers in their own words, we hope to give you an insight into the real people behind our dedicated team of staff — so that you’ll feel confident in choosing Capital Mortgages as your mortgage broker for life.


Name: Jeff Towner

Time with Capital Mortgages: 8 years


What do you love most about your job as a broker with Capital Mortgages?

I feel Capital is a smaller brokerage made up of more serious high level agents who are dedicated to the job. The acceptance and openness with the owners make me feel welcome and included. It’s nice to be able to talk to the owners should a situation arise rather than not be able to reach them at all.


Tell us the most inspirational story from your work as a broker?

I met with a new client back in 2013. He was about to lose his house and didn’t even want to take the meeting with me since he felt that he had explored all of his options and was about to give up. I was able to facilitate a private mortgage and with those proceeds brought the mortgage back up to date, as well as consolidated a few debts to reduce his monthly expenses. We kept in touch over the next two years and when his first mortgage came up for renewal the bank’s offer was not good at all. I spent the time needed to source a new first mortgage in which we cleaned up some of the remaining things hurting his credit. This was a great feeling for me as I felt we were slowly moving in the right direction and his credit score had improved since we had met two years ago. This past December his mortgage was up for renewal again and after years of hard work his credit had reached a level where I was able to source a new first mortgage with an A lender at best discounted rates AND roll in the high interest second mortgage. For the first time in over 5 years he actually showed emotion and expressed to me how grateful he was that I stuck with him. That hits deep when a client really voices their appreciation for you after a long journey.


Tell us the funniest or most embarrassing moment from your work as a broker?

Even though I’m not in the office as much as other agents I love the camaraderie via email. There is a core group of us that love to get on each other and for me it really lightens the day, which we certainly all need sometimes.


What is your #1 piece of advice for first-time home buyers?

Assemble a team of industry professionals you can trust and try not to let 20 different unqualified people give you advice as it can get confusing. Trust in your team and ask lots of questions. A good team works with you every step of the way to achieve home-ownership.


What is your favorite thing to do in Ottawa?

Spend time with my family and play golf.

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