Tips for Saving Money on Your Mortgage

A mortgage is a significant financial investment that requires careful consideration and planning. While it’s important to find the right mortgage that fits your budget and lifestyle, it’s also essential to save money on your mortgage in the long run. Here are some tips for saving money on your mortgage from Capital Mortgages, a leading mortgage broker in Canada. 

1.Shop around for the best mortgage rates

When it comes to mortgages, the interest rate you receive can have a significant impact on your overall mortgage payments. It’s essential to shop around for the best mortgage rates and compare offers from different lenders. A mortgage broker like Capital Mortgage can help you find the best rates and deals that fit your needs. 

2.Make a larger down payment to save money on your mortgage

The larger your down payment, the less you will have to borrow, which means you will pay less in interest over the life of your mortgage. If possible, aim to make a down payment of at least 20% of the home’s purchase price to avoid paying for mortgage default insurance. 

3.Choose a shorter amortization period

The amortization period is the length of time it takes to pay off your mortgage, and it can have a significant impact on your overall interest costs. Choosing a shorter amortization period, such as 20 or 25 years, can save you thousands of dollars in interest payments over the life of your mortgage. 

4.Increase your mortgage payments

If your mortgage allows for prepayments, consider increasing your monthly payments. Even a small increase in your payments can help you save money on interest over the life of your mortgage. 

5.Take advantage of lump-sum payments to save money on your mortgage


Many mortgages allow for lump-sum payments, which can help you pay off your mortgage faster and save money on interest. Consider making a lump-sum payment at the end of each year, or whenever you receive a bonus or tax refund. 

6.Consider a variable rate mortgage

A variable rate mortgage typically has a lower interest rate than a fixed-rate mortgage, which can help you save money on interest payments. However, it’s important to note that variable rates can fluctuate, so be prepared for potential rate increases. 

7.Pay attention to mortgage penalties to save money on your mortgage


If you need to break your mortgage early, there may be penalties involved. Be sure to read the fine print and understand the penalties before signing on for a mortgage. A mortgage broker like Capital Mortgage can help you navigate the terms and conditions of your mortgage and advise you on the best course of action. 


Saving money on your mortgage requires careful planning, research, and a bit of flexibility. By shopping around for the best rates, making a larger down payment, choosing a shorter amortization period, increasing your payments, taking advantage of lump-sum payments, considering a variable rate mortgage, and paying attention to mortgage penalties, you can save thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage. Contact Capital Mortgage for more insights and advice on how to save money on your mortgage. 


Contact Capital Mortgages today to learn more about refinancing and how we can help you save money on your mortgage. Our team of experienced mortgage professionals is here to help you navigate the process and to find the mortgage solution that best meets your needs. Whether you are looking to lower your monthly payments, pay off your mortgage faster, or access equity in your home, we can help you explore your options and find the best mortgage solution for your unique situation. So, if you are thinking about refinancing your mortgage in Canada, don’t hesitate to contact us today! 


We here at Capital Mortgages in Ottawa look forward to assisting you with all your Ottawa mortgage needs. Contact us today by calling us at: 613-228-3888 or email us direct at:

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