tips for getting organized

You’re super excited to move into a new home, but it comes with a catch. You need to pack up your old home and move into the new one in only a few days. So much for that plan of slowly moving things over time. If you have ever moved before, you know how stressful this can be. Packing everything, cleaning, sorting and unpacking are not exactly your favorite activities. But when you add all the other responsibilities of work and life, the situation becomes even more challenging. Fortunately, there are ways to ease the stress and get organized when moving into a new home so that you can enjoy your new space from day one and feel good about it from day one as well as long after that. Here are 7 tips how:

Plan Before You Start Packing

If you have ever been in a rush to pack, you know how chaotic the process can become. You might be tempted to just pack everything, but that simply isn’t a good idea. You need to plan out your packing strategy in a way that best suits your needs and the nature of your items. Here are some tips to get you started:

– Create categories of items – Decide what items go where in your house (e.g. kitchen items, bathroom items, etc.). This will help you create categories of items that you need to pack.

– Create a packing chart – This will help you know what you need to pack and in what order. Make sure you include all the items you need such as bedding and kitchen items.

– Pack like items together – There are many ways to pack your items when you move. If you decide to pack things yourself, it is best to pack like items together so you don’t have to unpack them later.

Start With the Most Important Rooms

Moving is always a great opportunity to make some changes in your home. If you start your packing and organizing with the rooms where you spend the most time, you will get a lot accomplished. In fact, we recommend that you start with your bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. These are rooms where you will spend a lot of time and want them organized to your liking as soon as possible. These rooms also tend to have a lot of stuff that you don’t need or use. These are great rooms to clear out old items and make room for new items that you will use more often. You can also start with the rooms that have the most items that need to be packed. You can pack these items first and be done with them. These rooms can include the kids’ rooms, the garage and the living room or den.

Hire Professional Help

Moving is hard work. There is no doubt about that. If you are in a hurry and/or live in a large home, you should consider hiring professional help. This will help you get done faster and more efficiently. You will also greatly reduce your risk of injury while saving time that you can spend on other important tasks. You can hire help for packing your items, hauling them to the new home and unpacking them. Also, you can hire a cleaning service to help you clean your old home. They will do a thorough job, and you will be free to do what you need to get done. You don’t need to spend a fortune on professional help. You can often find reliable helpers and cleaning service providers at discounted rates. Also, you can use discount services like Man with a Van or Handy.

Create a Moving Checklist

This is a common tip for those who love to be organized and efficient. You can create a checklist that includes all the tasks that need to get done before you move. This will ensure that you don’t miss anything and will make your life much easier. Here are some checklist items that you might want to consider: – Cleaning – Clean your old home thoroughly before you move out to ensure it is in good shape for the next tenants. This will also help you identify what needs to go.

– Packing – Pack your items and mark them clearly so you know what goes where. This will make unpacking a breeze.

– Moving logistics – Organize the moving logistics so that you know exactly when and how everything will happen. This will help you avoid stress and last-minute issues.

– Visiting your new home – Take some time to visit your new home and get familiar with it. This will help you plan how to unpack and organize your things.

– Hiring employees – If you own a business, you need to let your employees know that you are moving. This will help you keep your employees informed and make it easier for them to get to work.

Label Everything

Labeling your boxes and items can help you get things organized. You can also use this to identify areas of the new home where you should store things. This will help you avoid clutter and keep your new home clean and organized. If you have kids, consider labeling areas where they can keep their items. This will help them keep their spaces tidy and organized. You can also consider labeling cabinets and drawers in the new home for an easy way to get organized. If you have a lot of items that need to be labeled, you can use a labeling machine to save time. You can also consider hiring a professional organizer to help you get started with the labeling process.

Set Up a Workspace and Storage Area

You should set up a workspace in your old home where you can pack, organize and clean items. This will help you get things done in a timely manner and keep your house clean and tidy while you are busy with other things. You can set up a clean and safe space in a garage or a room where you can store boxes until it is time to move them to the new home. This will keep things out of sight and make the process much easier. You can also set up a storage space in your new home where you can store items that you don’t need often but that you don’t want to get rid of. This will make it easier for you to unpack the items when you need them. You can store these items in cabinets, on shelves or in boxes.

Only Bring What You Need and Will Use

You don’t need to keep every item that you have ever owned. In fact, it is better to get rid of excess items and only bring what you need and will use. This will help you de-clutter your new home and make it easier to keep tidy and organized. Start by going through all the items that you have packed and get rid of anything that you don’t need. You can also ask yourself if you will use the items in the future. If the answer is no, you don’t need to bring those items with you. You can trash them, donate them or sell them for some extra cash. This will help you declutter your new home and make it easier to get organized.


Moving into a new home is a great time to get organized. You can start with the rooms where you spend the most time and then work your way through the rest of the house. You can create a checklist of tasks to get done, hire professional help and label everything. Take the opportunity to only bring what you need and will use with you to the new home.

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