Staging Tips to Sell a Home Fast

In several city centers throughout North America, housing prices are on the rise and continue to climb. If you have a home that you’re considering selling, now would be an excellent time to do so.

If you want to get top-dollar for your home then you need to make it eye-catching, pleasant, and visually appealing. You only get one chance to make a great first impression, so you want the home to appear attractive and appealing from the moment a prospective client first sets eyes on the property to the moment they leave.

In most situations, a client already has a home judged before they even take a step inside. Following is a list of effective home staging tips you used to increase the value of your home and help you get the price you’re asking or more.

1. Exterior Presentation:

Make the front yard presentable by keeping the lawn well-manicured with clean, defined edging. You can also add color by adding flowers leading to the front door. The first impression by a potential home buyer will be made from the condition of the exterior of your home.

2. Paint:

If the interior or exterior of your home hasn’t been painted in years, the cost of a paint job will significantly add to its value and help it sell quickly.

3. Interior Considerations:

A potential purchaser needs to visualize each room as their own, so remove as many of your personal items as possible. If a potential client sees family photos, loads of furniture, and personal items everywhere they will be much less likely to make the purchase.

4. Pets:

Although we all love our pets, if you want to sell your home then they shouldn’t be on the premises during showings. Be sure the entire house has a fresh, clean scent as well.

5. Lighting:

Recessed lighting, chandeliers, and ceiling fans can be purchased at very reasonable prices from large retailers and online stores, it could increase the selling point of your home to replace or change the lighting in certain areas of the home such as the kitchen, bath, or living room.

6. Kitchen:

The kitchen is the hottest selling point for most homes and should be in top condition. Spending some money on new cabinets, counter tops, lighting, flooring, and new stainless steel appliances will help the home move quickly on the market. However, be careful because you don’t want to spend more than you’ll get back when you sell the property.


A comfortable bathroom is a great selling point for any home; lighting, fixtures, and flooring should be in top condition.

7. Furniture:

Remove oversized sofas and minimize the furniture in the home. Too many furnishing can make rooms feel smaller than they really are. Instead, use small groupings that offer plenty of space around them.

8. Carpet:

Replace worn and faded carpet; the money you spend on new carpet will be recovered when you sell the home, and it will help the house sell fast.

9. Clutter:

The entire home should be free of clutter; the client wants to picture themselves in the home, not others.

10. Overall Appearance:

Check the overall appearance of your home with a critical eye, replace screens and lights where necessary and view the property as if you were making the purchase.

These suggestions will help you get the price you’re asking in only a short period of time.

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