Capital Mortgages specializes as a service-oriented brokerage that prides itself on integrity and maintaining a service level second to none in the industry.

Applying for your first mortgage can be a stressful time. You have got your sights set on your ideal first home, and the only thing that stands in the way of making it yours is the bank’s decision to approve your mortgage request. This can be especially nerve-wracking for those who feel like they might not meet a lender’s criteria or who don’t have a picture-perfect past on paper. To ease your worries, our team here at Capital Mortgages has put together a list of five tried and true tips for successfully securing your first mortgage approval.

Maintain A Positive Credit History

A bank wants to make sure that when they lend you money, you will pay it back. This is not to say that one financial mistake will ruin your chances of approval, but your overall credit history needs to be strong to convince a lender to trust you. Make sure that you’ve paid back or are up to date on all of your payments with your creditors before applying for your first mortgage.

Aim For a Home You Can Afford

A lender will look at your overall financial situation when deciding whether or not to approve your mortgage. Typically, the rule of thumb is that your housing cost shouldn’t exceed 39% of your gross income, and your total debts shouldn’t exceed 44% of your income. Take the time to make sure your financial picture is in line with these numbers before applying for your mortgage.

Work With A Mortgage Broker

Brokers specialize entirely in mortgages – they spend their days negotiating financials with lenders and are well versed in rate options and where to find the best lending source. Working with a broker as opposed to with a bank directly will be one of the best investments you make, both financially and time-wise.

Avoid Sudden Job Changes

Lenders might be wary of applicants who suddenly change jobs eight months or less before applying for a mortgage. If your career move involves a natural progression or promotion, that’s a different story.

Reconsider Borrowing The Maximum Amount

Sometimes you’ll be surprised at how much lenders will be willing to extend to you. Many people get excited by the number they are offered and use this as a gateway to buying a home that’s out of their financial reach. However, what these lenders have not considered when looking at your financials is whether you plan to have children, save for retirement, invest infrequent travel, or take on other investments shortly. Avoid putting a financial strain on yourself and determine exactly how much you can afford to spend on a house before seeing how much you’ve been approved for.

At Capital Mortgages, we’re passionate about helping first-time homeowners through the process of securing their first mortgage. Contact us to learn more about how we can help!

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