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According to economists, the Canadian economy is set to continue experiencing a modest growth in 2015. Further predictions were made on the year, citing it as a sellers’ market year. With all these positive predictions and speculations, the desire for and trend of rental property owning all over Canada has grown.

Taking Ottawa as a case study, the commercial property market performance has been projected to experience steady high gains. This can be in some way attributed to the strong public sector presence that gives investors in the housing market a justification for investment. A further fueling factor is the demand that has continued with time to surpass the supply of properties for rent. The high demand has ensured that property values will hold. With the high demand and less supply, naturally rents will continue going up, bringing in more returns for investors. Such scenarios have gained the attention of many Canadians and with the ease of access to low cost debt and equity capital, many have taken steps to own a rental home.

Other factors that can’t be overlooked include the GDP forecasted growth. A growth in GDP, directly translates to firm retail consumption and a steady job growth trend. The ultimate result of this is the growth and prospering of the retail sector giving a positive plus boost to rental housing owners.

Factoring in all the above points, we get to see that the rental property markets are giving owners and investors solid returns. Meanwhile, property for rent owners will continue cashing in huge as all the fueling factors for their high returns are here with us to stay.





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