Capital Mortgages Inc is an independent brokerage in the Mortgage Centre Canada Network and one of Ontario’s leading real estate mortgage brokerages with offices in Ottawa and the valley.

Congratulations on your beautiful new home! Now, you face the less-than-fun part: Packing all of your many belongings so they can safely arrive at your new place. This is easier said than done, but here are a few tips to ensure your move is streamlined and stress-free:



1) Purge as much as possible


Take this opportunity to de-clutter, donate and get rid of anything you don’t really use or need. That way, you’ll have a LOT less to move on moving day (and you won’t have the same unnecessary items attracting dust in your closet).



2) Hire movers at least a month out


Make sure to research and hire movers at least a month ahead of time so you can plan and take time off work, etc., as needed. Many movers get busy on weekends, especially in warmer months and peak moving seasons, so consider saving money by moving on a weekday.



3) Pack in shifts


Pace yourself when it comes to packing! Packing slowly over time will be much less stressful than packing it all last-minute.



4) Protect your delicate items


Pack delicate items and expensive electronics (like TVs) in their original packaging (if possible). Or, wrap these items in packing paper, bubble wrap or quilts to ensure they aren’t broken when jostled or moved.



5) Disconnect your services


Utilities are often one of the last things you think about when you move, but you’ll save money and confusion later if you contact your utility companies ahead of time to disconnect your services. Also file a change of address with the postal service and any other important companies a few days before you move.



6) Accurately label moving boxes


Being careful about labeling your moving boxes will help you to find and organize your household items once you start to unpack. Include details about where the items were found or which room the items should be placed in.



7) Use smaller boxes for heavier items


For heavier items—such as books—you’ll want to use smaller boxes. Heavier items in larger boxes will be harder to lift and to balance when moving.



8) Stack dishes vertically


Dishes will be safer and easier to move when stacked vertically versus horizontally. Place packing paper or bubble wrap between each plate for extra protection.



9) Set aside cleaning supplies


Rather than packing up all your cleaning supplies to use at your new place, leave some behind at your old place. That way, you can do a deeper clean of all the spots you couldn’t reach when your furniture was in the way.


For all your mortgage needs, including information on renewing your mortgage or refinancing your property, the experienced team at Capital Mortgages can help! Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have — we look forward to hearing from you.



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