Capital Mortgages opened in January 1999 and has since serviced thousands of clients and arranged several billion dollars in mortgages in Ottawa area.

As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, one trend that doesn’t seem to be tapering out anytime soon is the large number of city dwellers trading their urban properties for country living. With many of us still working from home, or having switched to remote work permanently, people no longer want to be cooped up in small homes simply to be close to their offices. 

If you’re considering making the move, we recommend weighing the pros and cons carefully. Sure, you may get a newer and larger property for the same amount as what you were paying for something small in the city, but there are other factors to consider.


Are you used to walking everywhere? That’ll be a thing of the past with country living! Prepare to be in your car a lot, even if you’re just running a quick errand. Public transport is scarce, or non-existent in rural communities. 


Living in the countryside means less business options at your disposal. If you really love a variety of restaurants, you’ll now have just a few to choose from. Same goes for a hairdresser, handyman, dentist, and so on.


The air will be cleaner in the countryside and you’ll have plenty of space, but you’ll also have to account for the clearing of snow taking longer in the winter, or dark country roads being tricky to drive on in messy weather conditions. 

Utility bills

Given that you’ll have more of a house to heat and cool, keep in mind that your utility bills will naturally increase.

Population size

In the city, it’s easy to feel like a fish in an ocean. There are tons of people, and chances are that you won’t quickly be recognized by frequenting the same establishments. In the countryside, you have much more of an opportunity to make a personal impact and build one on one connections. 

Cost of living

Annual spending has repeatedly been proven to be lower in the countryside vs. the city. 

Availability of amenities

If you’re used to having many shops, grocery stores, entertainment centers and leisure facilities at your disposal, you may be in for a reality check when it comes to country living – where options are limited.

Leaning towards making the move? Give one of our brokers a call at 613-228-3888 to find out how we can help you get the best mortgage rate for your needs.

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