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Common Problems That Can Derail Your Home Inspection Part 1

So, you have made the house-hunting rounds, visited several options, and finally picked a top choice. But just when you have managed to whittle down your selection and settle on the main contender, you realize that one of the most important steps in the real estate purchasing process is yet to come – your home inspection!

In this three-part series, we will be taking a look at nine of the most common problems that home inspectors tend to uncover when evaluating a property. Read on to find out about what to be on the lookout for, whether you are shopping for your first home or are looking to upgrade.

Problem 1: Electrical Issues

Your home’s electrical wiring is one component that you definitely will not want to overlook. A home inspector is not necessarily an electrical specialist, but they will know enough to be able to point out if your system was improperly installed or if you might encounter issues with it down the line. Believe us, you will want to know whether an amateur or a pro wired your home before making the biggest purchase of your life. 

Problem 2: Roofing Trouble

We have come a long way from the days of home inspectors climbing onto a roof with a ladder to ensure that your new home’s protective layer will not spring a leak. Due to the safety standards currently in place in Canada, most inspectors will rest a ladder against your roof’s edge and inspect it from a safe standing point with binoculars or use a digital camera mounted on a carbon fiber pole to assess the area and check that it is in tip-top condition.

Problem 3: Water Damage

Water is your home’s biggest enemy! While damage will occur to every property, a home inspector will be able to assess whether previous issues were a thing of the past or if they are still a problem at the time of inspection. They will also be able to analyze visual signs such as damage to your home’s finishes, rust, stains, dampness or possible signs of mold – which can be extremely hazardous to your health. 

Wondering what else you can expect throughout your home’s inspection? Check back for Part 2 of this blog series in the coming weeks, or call Capital Mortgages today at 613-228-3888 to learn more. 

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